What We Do At Tech Ionos

At Tech Ionos, we are dedicated to helping you find the best products to meet your needs. Our team of expert editors spends over 160 hours each week researching and testing a wide range of technology and gadget products and then writing comprehensive reviews to make the information easily understandable.

We do not use algorithms or software to select the products we review, they are all hand-picked and thoroughly researched or tested by our team.

What Tech Ionos is all about

The amount of research and testing we do for each product varies, depending on the complexity of the topic.

For instance, we may spend more time researching and testing anti-aging creams or camping tents than we would for a piece on dorm room decor ideas or essential tailgate supplies.

We strive to cover a wide range of topics to offer something for everyone and to showcase our discovery and curation skills.

Why You Should Trust Tech Ionos

Since our launch, we have thoroughly reviewed hundreds of thousands of products. We take great care in ensuring the quality and reliability of the products we recommend, and we would never suggest a product that we wouldn’t personally purchase.

To ensure that we are providing the most accurate and useful information to our readers, we conduct extensive research and initial product testing before finalizing our top picks within a category. 

This process involves researching and comparing various models, reading consumer feedback, studying competitor coverage, and doing hands-on testing by our team of editors.

This careful and thorough approach allows us to confidently recommend the best products to our readers.

We only recommend products that we would personally purchase and use ourselves. We believe that this approach ensures that we are providing our readers with the most trustworthy and reliable recommendations

Before Any Review we publish

Before any of our reviews are published, we put them through a thorough review process to ensure that they are accurate and reliable. 

Our team of editors, including a photo editor, copy editor, fact-checker, top editor, and site director, all provide feedback and make any necessary changes to ensure that the content is ready for publication.

Affiliate Disclosure

As you browse our website and click through to retailers, we may earn affiliate commissions. However, this does not influence our product coverage in any way. 

Our top priority is always the consumer, and we only recommend products that we stand behind and that have been thoroughly researched and tested.

Our recommendations are always based on the quality and reliability of the product, not on any financial gain.